The Luminist Logo in dark blue

The Luminist

Shining a light on death, grief, and loss to help us console better, suffer less, and live more vibrant lives.

I wouldn’t trade it away even though it hurts.

Our hearts can hold more than we realize.

Things will be great again.

We can’t escape chaos. But we can reframe it.

The empowerment of totally falling apart.

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Women cuddling together on a couch.
excerpt from post #13

Releasing the myths of avoidance and isolation.

Grief is a brutal emotion to carry around. No one can “fix” it. So it’s easy to feel like the best thing we can do is try to protect everyone else from our raincloud. And if in the meantime we figure out how to avoid or ignore the raincloud ourselves, even better!

But it doesn’t work that way!!

Denying painful emotions not only separates us from others, it separates us from ourselves.

excerpt from post #16

A new definition of personal power — rooted in humor and humanity.

Because turns out power — at least the kind that humans can sustain, versus bulldozers — is not about control or perfection. It’s about being imperfect, acknowledging your limits, leaning into love and compassion, especially for yourself.

Then it becomes absolutely clear what’s non-negotiable for you. What’s worth fighting for, changing, pushing through in this one wild and precious life. Not because you have anything to prove. But because that’s what your life is for: showing up for the people, communities, causes, adventures that light up your heart.

In this new understanding, exerting power gives you life rather than taking away from it.

A woman covered in glitter laughing loudly and unapologetically
Two women in saris lighting a mandala of candles and flowers
excerpt from post #19

Ritual and the human need to relate.

To be human is to have an interior life and a soul that needs witnessing. Needs acknowledgement. Needs connection.

Needs to stand side-by-side with another soul, hip-deep in the roiling river of life, wide-eyed and wordless, taking it all in, knowing the other is with them, experiencing it too.


Of folks brave enough to ask even death for tips to a better life.

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