Leadership, loss, living a vibrant life... all at once.

Leadership Exec, Mother, Widow

Life is messy. No matter how hard we try it will always be messy...

So let's figure out how to live a good life amidst it all, rather than despite it all.

(Psst! It’s happening right now on my blog. Come join! 👇

Why I wouldn’t trade away the grief.

Reconnect with the magic in the “ordinary”.

Frustration and the feeling of being alive.
We can’t escape chaos. But we can reframe it.
Releasing the myths of avoidance and isolation.

Speaker, Writer, Connection-Enthusiast

We don’t build a life that we love alone.

So let’s talk about leveraging the connections, communities, careers you already have into a daily life that takes your breath away.

Join the Vibrant Living Movement

(You don't have to become a monk or a nun or a minimalist or a vegan. No ice baths or 5am wake-ups required, though you're welcome to them!)

I simply offer perspective shifts and sneaky strategies to wipe the dust off your life, turning it technicolor.

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New post every Saturday. Never spammy, only thought-provoking (and a little goofy).​

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Get inspiration for vibrant living, sprinkled among connection requests from classmates you haven't heard from in 20 years!